Becromal factory rises

Our operations at the constuction of Becromal's new factory in Iceland are going strong theese days inspite of heavy winter. After few days the new factory house will be finnished and the substation construction will be finnished before the new year. Employees of Rafeyri are now working hard at the installations for the substation and then even more employeese are busy putting up wiring ladders and other cable support systems in the factory itself.

Substation for Becromal factory

Becromal Iceland ehf. signed a contract with NORAK ehf. for the construction and running of a high tension substation at the company's new factory in Akureyri, Iceland.

Lagarfoss power plant - Project finished

For the last two years Rafeyri has been one of the leading contractors in the expansion of the Lagarfoss power plant. The project completion has now been reached, even though minor jobs remain inprogress. Now, new projects awaits the willing hands of the Rafeyri's employees stationed there. Nomally, around 10 employees of Rafeyri have been at the plant and it was remarkeble to see the good spitis of the group. Jónas Ragnarson was the project leader and keept the crew under control.